Saturday, July 4, 2009

What's With My Hamstring

Raced a 10K this morning , mile 1 was 7:15; mile 2 was 7:20; mile 3 was 9:20 (right hammy cramped up). kept running hoping I could run it off. It got a little better and I finished in 52:11 (official time was 53:12 - they appeared to have added a minute to everyone's time - no chip). I was third in the 60+ and first in the 65+ age group. Need to get a massage for that bad boy! Only water on the course was at the 3.1 mile marker - too late for my hydration.

Monday, June 1, 2009

May was O.K.

Did a lot of bike riding this May - Mercer Island loop with Sara G. ; 7 Hills of Kirkland 62 miler; some long Sat. morning rides. I've got a shoulder problem (right) that aches but doesn't hurt while running, swimming, lifting or biking - it's a mystery!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Slower than ever?

Maybe it's the training miles, maybe it's the one day off per week, maybe I usually have cranked on the bike for 2+ hours before runs- anyway slow is my first, middle and last names this month. Can't wait to taper and race in June!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


What the heck? Why am I focusing on my strongest tri event - biking - instead of my slowest event - running? Because I'm fast and it's fun (and easy?). Anyway did a total of 24 miles running the last 10 days - of course some was 150 BPM hill work and 4.5 miles came after a very fast 32 mile bike - a one was a 9 mile run - BUT I need to average at least 28 miles per week starting this week.

We will see

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Weighty Issues

So you've lost a few pounds - big deal - I've lost more than a few and I'm still slower than Jack Benny reaching for the bar tab - speaking of bar tabs when is my master's swim group going to the Mexican Place again for a brew - why be in a master's swim group if your not going out for a drink occasionally (sp?).

Coach is out tonight so I'm going to the pool early to do my workout (wink/wink).

By the way my coach challenged me to beat her (plus 8 minutes) in the fat salmon 1.2 mile swim this summer - we will see!

Monday, April 6, 2009


Dogs have CCL injuries (our ACL's) - our lab has torn the ligaments in the knees of both legs - I can finally outrun him. One side is patched up - the other side will be - then he's on the bench re: tennis ball chasing, which admittedly he was excellent at.


The lake Stevens Half-Ironman is $225 pe entry. Multiply that by 1500 entries results in $337,500 plus sponsor fees. I wonder what it costs to put on an Half-Ironman? I can do 4-5 Olympic length tri's for the same cost - and if wanted to I could do the run portion twice and probably finish before the race close!